"Living Arts vol.46"
2017.12.13 [wed] OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
Charge : adv. 1,800yen + 1drink / door. 2,000yen + 1drink
ieva [Electronics Field Recording]
山内弘太 Kota Yamauchi [Guitar]
岡田康孝 Yasu [ContraBass]
佐々木真菜 Manna Sasaki [Flute]
大歳芽里 Meri Otoshi [Dance]
Francis Plagne
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Pumasome silent footsteps, not a cat, a wild family , an animal , as pop, organic xp, xxx , a smile step down on the grass, a warm , green smell, in the forest a beast
児玉 真吏奈鍵盤と声で 心の空気と戯れて うたう みんなのうたムードのトイポップから 祈りにも似たアシッドな弾き語りまで、 アグレッシブな衝動が潜んでいる むきだしの感受性で 静かに愛しく狂っている心たちを うたに 音楽に 戻していく 1989年生まれ 2013年4月ファーストアルバム 「キモチ変どう」リリース 2015年9月 3曲入りCDR「kuuki」製作
Francis Plagne
Francis Plagne is a musician from Melbourne whose work swings between songwriting and a variety of other approaches, including group improvisation, instrumental abstraction and domestic musique concrète. He has been performing live regularly since 2005 and had released recordings on Albert’s Basement, Breakdance the Dawn, Lost and Lonesome, Kye Records and his own Mould Museum label, among others. In addition to performing his own work either solo or with a band, he has performed and recorded in improvised and other arrangements with Oren Ambarchi, Anthea Caddy, Andrew Chalk, Marco Fusinato, Dean Roberts, Valerio Tricoli and Joe Talia, among others. Since 2011, he has occasionally convened a variably sized ensemble to perform scores by composers such as Manfred Werder, Christian Wolff and Toshi Ichiyanagi. He is also a member of Food Court, The Inevitable Orbit, the ocarina ensemble Waste Drink, and performs with Japanese songwriter Yuko Kono.
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