
04月09日 Ambient Music & Video Art Event with Headphone "Solaris vol.03" at Denka-House, Kyoto 出演

flyer "Solaris vol.03 at Denka-House" Photo : Nuffy  Design : AKITO SENGOKU

Ambient Music & Video Art Event with Headphone
"Solaris  vol.03"
2011.04.09 sat.  OPEN 18h30 / START 19h00  Charge / 500yen
at Denka-House [でんかハウス] 京都市東山区三条通り東端 都ホテル前

About 22 headphones available but
You can also bring your own Headphone (1/4 inch or 6.3mm stereo)


Sean Roe
Sean is an audio performer, DJ, and organizer of junKroom events in Kyoto.
In Solaris, Sean will play an audio performance using 2 microphones , vynil players and piece of papers. 

A quite slow and contemplative performance, as an exploration of pure sound

Arms Mo Enium



The idea of PSYCHEDELIC DESERT happened from the expression of desert transformed naturaly by air in the dream.formed in Osaka, Japan in 2004, toured in Australia in 2008, Germany, UK, France and Switzerland in 2009, with exploded, mind expanding, primal and meditative noise. 
PD has released cds and casette tapes from the labels PHARMAFABRIK RECORDINGS in Slovenia TURGID ANIMAL RECORDS ITALIAN DIVISION in Italy BUDDHASTICK is duo of the core members KUCKOO & GO TSUSHIMA playing in duo with mind expanding, primal and meditative sound. 

ieva (Samuel Andre) Musician and award winning film soundtrack composer. His live performances use multi layered field recordings that are overlayed creating quite mysterious imaginary aural worlds.
orgoniser of Solaris event

「モノ」ではなく「コト」を重視し、光や反射、影などの視覚的なイメージを素材に、インスタレーション作品の制作を行なう。  2004年より「時間に絵を描く」というテーマではじめた光によるライブパフォーマンス「TIME PAINTING」では、ミュージシャン、ダンサー、舞踏家とのコラボレーションを繰り返し、各地の空間にまぼろしのような時間を浮かびあがらせる。

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contact info : ieva@free.fr

Denka-House [でんかハウス]  京都市東山区今道町6-264-2