"あらゆる世界と音楽と 03”
at 森川たばこ店 a.k.a ミングル, Kyoto
2024.12.21 [sat] OPEN / START 19:00
Charge: door. 2,000yen + 1order
今西紅雪 Kohsetsu Imanishi [箏 Koto]
石原三静 a.k.a ヌマバラ山ポール
Sansei Ishihara a.k.a Numabara [尺八 Shakuhachi]
あらゆるゔぇーだ ARAYURUVEDA [南アジア/中東]
NEU (from バー下戸) [菓子]
今西紅雪 Kohsetsu Imanishi
While standing on tradition, she pursues the rich and tranquil sound of the koto using her own unique playing style. Her performances focus on the relationship between the performance space and the sound, and she plays as if she is capturing and depicting the space between the sounds using her own tuning method.
石原三静 a.k.a ヌマバラ山ポール Sansei Ishihara a.k.a Numabara 1987年生まれ、京都市出身。2008年~2014年ごろまでラッパーとして活動。家に残された幕末期の古い尺八に興味を持ち、2015年都山流尺八に入門。現在は都山流師範として自身の尺八教室を主宰。
尺八の他に口琴の演奏、蒐集、日本の仮面の製作も行う。2020年に音楽家 原摩利彦氏のミュージックビデオ"passion"にて黒い翁面が使用される。2021年 池田町能面公募展にて古面を元に製作した翁面を出品。大蔵流狂言師 茂山七五三氏(人間国宝)から審査員特別賞受賞。
国立民族博物館主宰"辺境のhiphop研究会"にてシベリア・サハ共和国のhiphop研究担当。2024年 青土社から出版された島村一平著・編"辺境のラッパーたち" においてサハ共和国のhiphopについて執筆。
Born in 1987 in Kyoto, Japan. He became interested in an old shakuhachi from the end of the Edo period that was left at his home, and in 2015 he started learning Tozan-style shakuhachi. He is currently a Tozan-style master and runs his own shakuhachi class.
In addition to the shakuhachi, he also plays and collects mouth harps, and makes Japanese masks. In 2020, a black Okina mask was used in the music video "passion" by musician Hara Marihiko. In 2021, he exhibited an Okina mask made based on an old mask at the Ikeda Town Noh Mask Public Exhibition. Received the Special Jury Award from Ookura-style Kyogen performer Shinme Shigeyama (Living National Treasure).
He is in charge of hip-hop research in the Sakha Republic in Siberia at the "Hip-hop Study Group on Periphery" organized by the National Museum of Ethnology. In 2024, he wrote about hip-hop in the Sakha Republic in "Rappers on the Periphery," written and edited by Shimamura Ippei and published by Seidosha.
NEU (from バー下戸)
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森川たばこ店 / ミングル https://mingle.localinfo.jp/
京都市中京区西木屋町通六角下ル北車屋町 271-4