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Ambient music & Visual Art Event with Headphone "Solaris special Nuit Blanche" at Denka-house, Kyoto Date : 2012.10.05 |
"Solaris"はievaが主催となり、三条通の東端 都ホテルの向かいにあるでんかハウスで続けているアンビエントミュージックとビデオアートのイベントです。ヘッドフォンで聴く音と眼の前にある映像。いつものLIVEはそれらが空間でMIXされているわけですが、このLIVEではそれらが頭の中で繋がります。それはもの凄く不思議な体験。ひとたびヘッドフォンを外してしまうと、人がたくさんいることがウソのような静寂。三条通を行き交うクルマの音と、都ホテルの駐車場に入るクルマの挿す光だけが際立ちます。でんかハウスならではの、絶妙な音空間/光空間がそこに現れるのです。
ちょうど05日の夜は、京都各地でアートイベント"NUIT BLANCHE KYOTO 2012"が開催されています。実は、我々の"Solaris special Nuit Blanche"は、"NUIT BLANCHE KYOTO 2012"とは関係ありません。勝手にやります。オルタナティブ・ニュイ・ブランシュ。
前回、ievaが来日していた時のハナシ。みんなででんかハウスでご飯を食べていて、その時にievaが教えてくれたこと。フランスには「白い夜=Nuit Blanche」という夜があって、その夜には音楽やアートが一晩中観られる。時間が経って、いまそれが同じ場所で実現しようとしていることがとてつもなく嬉しい。ありがとうSamuel。
ぜひ、もうひとつの"Nuit Blanche"にも遊びにいらしてください。
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Ambient music & Visual Art Event with Headphone
"Solaris special Nuit Blanche"
at でんかハウス, Kyoto 京都市東山区今道町6-264-2 MAP
2012.10.05 [fri] OPEN 20:00 / START 20:30
Charge : 投げ銭 [free donation]
We are not supported by any official organism so plz encourage us.
About 25 headphones available but
You can also bring your own headphone (1/4 inch or 6.3mm stereo)
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Artists :
Nobuto Suda
Charge : 投げ銭 [free donation]
We are not supported by any official organism so plz encourage us.
About 25 headphones available but
You can also bring your own headphone (1/4 inch or 6.3mm stereo)
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Artists :

Nobuto is developping a ambient, drone and slow movement music, by the use of recorded loop and old analogic tapes recorder that most of the time he repair himself. He is recording during the performance the different lengh loops by the use of different instrument. Usually for "Solaris" he is accompagnied his performance by his videoworks. Nobuto has released on different label like somehow records (ENg) or Taalem (fr) and he is the founder of Tobira Records with Hakobune.
1985年生まれ、京都在住音楽家。幼少の頃は画家を志望。13歳より音楽制作を始める。Ornette Colemanの"Dancing in Your Head"を好んでいた影響から10代をノイズ / 実験 / 即興音響に傾倒して過ごす。20歳の時にmirror "Viking Burial For A French Car"を聴いたことをきっかけにドローン音楽の制作を始める。2009年より演奏活動を開始、京都を中心に月1〜4回の演奏と、hakobune氏と共同で京都法然院、永運院などでのイベント企画も行う。2010年よりギターを多重加工して制作したアンビエントドローン音楽作品を日本 / UKを中心とした複数のインディペンデントレーベルより作品を発表する。2012年より演奏活動と創作を通した経験からPCによる音響加工を用いた表現を停止し、現在自作音響装置の製作とそれを用いた創作を行っている。
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Takuji Naka
Nobuto is developping a ambient, drone and slow movement music, by the use of recorded loop and old analogic tapes recorder that most of the time he repair himself. He is recording during the performance the different lengh loops by the use of different instrument. Usually for "Solaris" he is accompagnied his performance by his videoworks. Nobuto has released on different label like somehow records (ENg) or Taalem (fr) and he is the founder of Tobira Records with Hakobune.
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Takuji Naka
Sound Artist playing with electronics (contact mic, mix table, effects) and his breathing by the use of reeds. His music now creating minimal and abstract post nuclear landscape by the use of a large bandpass of frequencies and silence.
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Sound Artist playing with electronics (contact mic, mix table, effects) and his breathing by the use of reeds. His music now creating minimal and abstract post nuclear landscape by the use of a large bandpass of frequencies and silence.
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ieva LIVE at "Solaris Vol.4" Denka-house, Kyoto Date : 2011.11.19 Photo : Yoshitaka Goto
curator and co-organiser of the Solaris Event in Kyoto, Samuel André is a french multimedia artist. He is main sound work is based on the use of field recording, mixed all together by improvisation, creating an intense and emotionally universe you pass through as a waking dream, stimulate your imagination and moving your body to create your own cinema for ear. In 2002 he won the 1st prize of the Aquitaine movie-music contest in the experimental movie category. During 2011, has presented two multimedia installations for the exhibition playground in Taipei and for the WSK festival in Manille.
Has worked with various artists: dancers, composers, videographers, architect, director and instrumentalists & has curated different art event in East Asia.
For this night he will collaborate with the
live painting of Akito Sengoku. And the movie "chuva" , he made the
music for recently & directed by Jacques Perconte will be screened
on that night.
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Yuki Ohtsuka is composer, performer & sound engineer. born in Kyoto, Japan, in 1986.
Studied composition of Electro-Acoustic Music, performance of Acousmonium, and recording technology under Mr. Kazuo Uehara, Mr. Tomonari Higaki, and Mr. Yasushi Utsunomiya.
In 2011, he graduated from Osaka University of Arts Graduate School. Has played in different concert & festival such as Audio Art Circus (2007-2010, Osaka), Contemporary Computer Music Concert (2009-2012, Tokyo), Kansai Acousmatic Art Festival (2009-2012, Osaka and Kobe), Setouchi International Art Festival (Kagawa, 2010), and more.
We can associate his music in the tradition of Acousmatic Music. He was was part of the 2012 Futura Festival in France.
京都府出身の作曲家、演奏家、サウンド・エンジニアであるYuki Ohtsukaのソロ・プロジェクトとして、テクノ、エレクトロニカ、アンビエント、ノイズ、即興演奏などの制作やライブを精力的に行う。2011年にIl y a Records主宰のコンピレーション・アルバムに参加、2012年はカナダのUSR RecordsよりDao De Noizeとのスプリットでテープをリリース。本名ではエレクトロ・アコースティックの作曲や立体音響システム「アクースモニウム」を用いた演奏をはじめ、映像作品や企業への楽曲提供、レコーディングやマスタリングのエンジニア、コンサートの音響マネジメントや機材コンサルタント、イベントのオーガナイズなど、幅広く活動している。
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For a Nuit Blanche, it would be full of Colors with the videoworks of Jacques Perconte and the TIME PAINTING of AKITO SENGOKU.
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Impressions / teaser n°2 from Jacques Perconte on Vimeo.
Jacques Perconte
Jacques Perconte lives and works in Paris. He is well known as one of the pioneers of French internet art. He is among the first artists to have worked on compression codecs. He made his debuts with internet and video art. His first films date back from 1995 and his first internet artworks from 1996. Since 10 years, Jacques Perconte is working on digital material to make happen in the movies he is shooting pitctural and plastic qualities quite incredible.
The movie Impressions ( http://impressions.technart.net/
) is an exploration of the colors of the Normandy of the
impressionnists, striving to capture what is happening in the picture
and leads beyond itself, a trace of infinity. Recently awarded of Best International Work at Winnipeg's Festival of Film and Video Art 2012.
"Impressions", "Après le feu" and "Chuva" will be screened for this special Nuit Blanche.
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Yuki Ohtsuka is composer, performer & sound engineer. born in Kyoto, Japan, in 1986.
Studied composition of Electro-Acoustic Music, performance of Acousmonium, and recording technology under Mr. Kazuo Uehara, Mr. Tomonari Higaki, and Mr. Yasushi Utsunomiya.
In 2011, he graduated from Osaka University of Arts Graduate School. Has played in different concert & festival such as Audio Art Circus (2007-2010, Osaka), Contemporary Computer Music Concert (2009-2012, Tokyo), Kansai Acousmatic Art Festival (2009-2012, Osaka and Kobe), Setouchi International Art Festival (Kagawa, 2010), and more.
We can associate his music in the tradition of Acousmatic Music. He was was part of the 2012 Futura Festival in France.
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For a Nuit Blanche, it would be full of Colors with the videoworks of Jacques Perconte and the TIME PAINTING of AKITO SENGOKU.
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Impressions / teaser n°2 from Jacques Perconte on Vimeo.
Jacques Perconte
Jacques Perconte lives and works in Paris. He is well known as one of the pioneers of French internet art. He is among the first artists to have worked on compression codecs. He made his debuts with internet and video art. His first films date back from 1995 and his first internet artworks from 1996. Since 10 years, Jacques Perconte is working on digital material to make happen in the movies he is shooting pitctural and plastic qualities quite incredible.
The movie Impressions ( http://
"Impressions", "Après le feu" and "Chuva" will be screened for this special Nuit Blanche.
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Born in 1983 in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Living in Kyoto. In 2004 he started the live performance on the idea of "TIME PAINTING" by using visual (overhead projector) OHP. Made to improvise on the fly using the color ink and oil liquid, such as water, abstract visual images such as the world of the cell or the empty cosmical space. Recently he is using 3 OHP, overlapping their light, colors and shape, investing the 3 dimension of a room.
He collaborate with artists of various fields like musicians, dancers, dancers, we are allowed to emerge moments in time, such as a vision of the night to flow. In 2010, conducted a tour around Scandinavia Sweden and Norway with six string harp guitarist / composer. From 2011 he held the event "SENGOKU night."at UrBANGUILD in Kyoto.
1983年 静岡県浜松市生まれ。京都市在住。モノではなくコトを重
ミュージシャン、 ダンサー、舞踏家など様々な分野の表現者とコラボレート
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京都市東山区三条通り東端 都ホテル前